From the bench
Custom Jeweller Kim Drosdick
My Interview With Gem Breakfast
I am so excitetd about this one! I was recently interviewd by the oh so lovely Courtney MacDougall for Gem Breakfast and their ‘Meet the Maker’ series, and for anyone not familiar with GB they are a super awesome jewellery company based in San Fransisco and headed up by the one and only Catherine Cason! Their focus is solely on one-of-a-kind rings made with amazing materials and handmade by talented custom jewellery makers, mostly women;)
Proposing Soon? I Can Help.
Now it gets exciting! If you are thinking that the time has come to create a custom engagement ring then I can surely help make it a reality for you. I am very good at my job and my job is telling your story though my jewellery.
All Metals Scratch.
It's the answer I give to a question I get every once in a while. I got en e-mail form a client recently in a slight panic after he saw some scratches and nicks on his brand spankin' new wedding ring.
Alternative Engagement Rings
Hanging with Pablo & Mike sorting through my stash of Rough Diamonds for their custom wedding rings! What makes my rough diamond ring so special is that the clients get to choose their own rough diamond, THE ONE that looks and feels right for their ring.